Web Dev

Projects: recent, interesting and important (or not)

Working with a Blogger site

When the time came to put together a simple portfolio - resume site, Blogger turned out to be a very decent platform

I could not argue with the price and design flexibility is great as well. That is if one is not afraid to dig into the template source. Since options to customize the look and feel of the pages are rather limited in terms of what the 'point and click' interface affords, a good text editor is the only way to go.

With lot of help from Firebug and NetBeans (with the jVim plugin of course), there is not much that can't be done.

Add a good mesure of custom CSS, jQuery and good helping of Colorbox. Tweak and tweak until the batter is clear and simple. Add a little bit of visual sugar, but very carefully!

... and the Blogger site emerges looking like it never met Blogger.

July 10, 2011

Web Developer Resume + Last updated July 10, 2011