Tomasz Brymora
Graphic Designer
Dreamweaver, Flash, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Corel Painter, QuarkXpress,
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:5 - 2011 ~ Present – Jagged Peak - Front end web developer
- Styling of e-commerce sites generated through company's content management system
- Assisting development team in bug trucking
- Assisting senior developers in improving company's flagship content management system
- jQuery
7 - 2005 ~ 5 - 2011 – Ambex Roasters, Inc. - Graphic Designer, Web Developer
- Responsible for art direction, industrial photography, design and development of sales and support materials for Ambex Inc. and its subsidiaries.
- Strong emphasis placed on presenting consistent look and feel among print and digital media materials.
- Web development with attention to standards compliance and cross browser compatibility
- Whenever possible, utilizing open source technologies for client and server side functionality
- Prototyping, development and planning of promotional campaigns for print, web, social as well as multimedia
Sept. ~ Dec. 2000 and Jan. ~ March 2002 - EduTech Center- Web Design Instructor teaching XHTML, PERL CGI and Java Script
- Preparation of lectures, demonstrations and test material
- Emphasis on developing strong fundamentals skills of using above technologies
- Individual tutoring and assistance to students whenever required
1996 ~ 2005 - Beck Graphics - Graphic Designer
- Design and layout for a wide variety of materials for internet, offset printing and specialty advertising items.
- Design and maintenance of company website
- Customer service
- Participation in running day to day operations of the company
- Pre-press preparation for 1, 2, 4-color sheet fed and envelope jet presses, from stripping to platemaking
- Assistance in press and bindery departments as needed
Online portfolio:
http://sidneywkilgorepa.comEDUCATION:Webmaster Certificate - St. Petersburg College - completed both the Developer and Designer Tracks.
St. Petersburg Vocational-Technical Institute - St. Petersburg, FL.
Mercer County Community College - Trenton, NJ
Fine Arts -
References available upon request